Editorial Policy of Techdrivepk

Techdrivepk is a Platform that covers unbiased analysis for its readers. Through this platform, we help our readers to get the latest news and reviews, About Technology, telecommunications, and Business. Techdrivepk is a unique house of publishing online content related to Technology. For questions about the existing content or any technical issues, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].  For information about becoming a content partner and guest posting, please send your queries to [email protected]. The editorial Policy of Techdrivepk can be read Below.


The mission of the techdrivepk is to provide a possible and easiest way for their readers to get access to the news around the globe and in Pakistan. All the content uploaded on Techdrivepk is accurate and authorized from multiple sources.


Techdrivepk provides information and news from all industries, technologies, and applications. The content has news, articles (featured), how-to guides, case studies, blogs, headlines, and videos supplied with great accuracy to the readers.

Techdrivepk Editorial Objective is to provide relevant news and information to its readers. We also provide a forum for advancement in the Tech and reviewing industry. We are fair, precise, concise, comprehensive, and objective in our content, from blogs and articles to videos. Our main goal is to provide information to the readers that are accurate and interesting enough and drive their genuine attention towards the content. We are using various sources to provide truthful information on the topics we cover.

  1. Our editorial informs our audience of news, information, and prescriptions for our domains. Our goal is to provide unbiased content to the readers and ensure that the information we publish is highly relevant and accurate.
  2. Techdrivepk House Provides open criticism and welcomes authentic feedback from its readers.
  3. The writers at Techdrivepk tend to publish only the information that interests our readers, the content doesn’t serve as an advertisement tool for a product, service, or company, and the content is truthful and not malicious or rebellious in any predicted way.
  4. Techdrivepk also encourages its readers and people around the industry to contribute to articles and blogs.
  5. We are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in our readers’ guest posts and articles. The information was checked at the time before publication, but there is no authenticity of the information to be truthful.
  6. Once a content item is published, the house immediately reveals the authenticity of the information provided by contacting the featured individuals.
  7. We are eager to provide higher standards of accuracy in our content. Our policy strives for immediate correctness as soon as any error in the content is identified and verified.
  8. Opinions highly expressed by bloggers, reviewers, or readers are highly valued and don’t follow the necessity of being shared.
  9. In the case of any error or misinformation in the story’s details, it should be factually reported to the editorial team. Our house team will get to the content piece for inaccurate information and correct it.

Editorial Policy Techdrivepk:

The editor of Techdrivepk maintains a day-to-day editorial decisions. Other than this, the editor has the right to maintain the viewership’s independence, comments, and other opinions to be included.

However, in the case of submission, lying next to controversies, Techdrivepk Editorial is responsible for panting the controversial news that lacks diversification to remain untouched for the readers. Publication of blogs, articles, the news is not dependent on the Editorial’s views on the website.

Content Submission Guidelines:

The Techdrivepk house regularly receives content submission requests from writers, bloggers, agencies, and sponsoring companies looking to submit their content for publication. The Editorial Policy of Techdrivepk is always happy with the contribution; they don’t pay them to create their content. Although, there is no guarantee that the content submitted will be published.


News stories are added to the website daily. The Editorial Policy Techdrivepk goals lie in publishing precise, accurate, and informative content. The editors are working on daily engagement with the content and ensuring that the updated featured content reflects the events happening in the surroundings. The content to be updated is highly noted to be worthy of the events that are happening across the globe.

In the case of any news content or article looking to publish, or for an article recommendation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or send your suggestions to [email protected]

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