Facebook Senior Data Scientist Salary: Who They Are

So you want to Know about Facebook senior data scientist salary? Facebook has always been known for its data collection practices. The social media giant collects information from users through various means, such as tracking their browsing habits or using facial recognition software. In 2017, Facebook announced that it would hire over 100 new data scientists to help them improve their AI systems. These data scientists will be responsible for creating algorithms to identify patterns within user behavior and predict future trends.

While these data scientists are highly skilled professionals, they don’t necessarily earn high salaries. According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a data scientist at Facebook is $130K per year. Over 2.3 billion people across the world use Facebook on a monthly basis. The social media giant employs thousands of data scientists who analyze user behaviour and trends to improve its services.

Data science is a growing field within the tech industry. Companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Microsoft employ hundreds of data scientists. Data scientists are responsible for analyzing large amounts of data to identify patterns and predict future outcomes. These experts also develop algorithms to automate processes.

The need for data scientists is expected to increase by 20% in the coming years. In addition, there will be an increased demand for data scientists with expertise in artificial intelligence (AI). Many companies offer training programs for aspiring data scientists. However, most of these programs focus on teaching students how to code rather than teaching them about data analysis.

Some universities now offer undergraduate degrees in data science. Students learn about different types of data analytics and gain hands-on experience working with real-world datasets.


What is a Data Scientist?

facebook senior data scientist salary

A data scientist can analyze and interpret large amounts of data. They can use this information to make predictions about future events or extract useful insights from existing datasets. In many cases, these skills are combined into one person.

In the field of data science, the terms “data analyst” and “data scientist” may be used interchangeably.” A data analyst focuses more on extracting meaningful data, while a data scientist uses advanced statistical methods to create predictive models.

According to LinkedIn, the number of people employed as data analysts grew by 18% between 2012 and 2016. This growth rate is much higher than the overall employment trend for all occupations.

Data scientists often work closely with other members of the IT department, including programmers, statisticians, and business analysts.


Levels of pay for Facebook’s Data Scientists

facebook senior data scientist salary

Salary levels of data scientists at Facebook are reportedly higher than those at Google, Microsoft and Amazon.

According to Glassdoor.com’s annual survey of top tech salaries, the average salary for a data scientist at the social network is $160,000, according to Glassdoor.com’s annual survey of top tech salaries. That compares with an average pay of $140,000 for data scientists at Google, $120,000 for data scientists in Microsoft’s Bing search engine, and $110,000 for data scientists working at Amazon.

At Facebook, data scientists typically have bachelor’s degrees in computer science, statistics, mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, psychology, or biology. Some of these degrees require additional programming languages like Python or R.

When it comes to determining salaries and advancement opportunities, Facebook follows the same levelling system as many other IT firms. Several former and current employees have noticed a system in which the corporation uses abbreviations to denote a person’s position on several tracks and their level of skill.

  1. Individual Contributor
  2. Level
  3. Engineer
  4. Technical
  5. Manager
  6. Director


Facebook Interns Salaries & Perks

Facebook is a social media company founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. The company has over 2 billion active users and employs over 20,000 people. Facebook offers internships to students and recent graduates in many different departments. The Interns are paid a stipend of $8,000 per month and receive other benefits, such as free housing and travel allowances.

Interns at Facebook can work on projects of their choice, including data engineering and product design. Interns are expected to work 40 hours a week and stay for the internship duration. There is a six-month probationary period after which interns must be hired full-time. In 2017, Facebook had over 2 million internships. Although some companies offer a stipend or expense reimbursement, internships are typically unpaid. Interns receive benefits such as free housing or travel allowances.



IC3s often have a bachelor’s degree and are anticipated to ascend through the ranks to IC4s and IC5s within a few years of starting their careers in data science.


IC5-IC6 and beyond:

Before a career data scientist enters management territory, IC5 is considered a “terminal” level. At the director level, data scientists salary gradually rise through management ranks, starting with IC6.


Salary of a Facebook Data Scientist at the Entry level

facebook senior data scientist salary

Salaries for data scientists vary widely, depending on their level of experience, education, and skills. However, what is the beginning compensation for an entry-level data scientist at Facebook? ‘

Scripting language fluency and SQL knowledge are often required for entry-level data science professions, including internships and positions that students pursue advanced degrees. Candidates must also demonstrate their ability to solve analytical problems utilizing quantitative methodologies and their ability to manipulate and analyze big, high-volume datasets from a variety of sources to be considered.

The typical starting salary for a Facebook data scientist is $153,046, with annual bonuses ranging from $10,000 to $32,000.


Facebook’s pay for a Senior Data Scientist

facebook senior data scientist salary

Positions at the senior level in data science that aren’t management often require a Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline like computer science or data science. An advanced degree in machine learning may also be necessary, depending on the specialty area. Prerequisite knowledge of coding and scripting languages and demonstrated analytics experience are also essential.

Senior-level Facebook data scientists can expect to earn an average annual salary of $166,742, with incentives ranging from $13,000 to $96,000.


Stock Options at Facebook for Employees

data scientist facebook salary

Facebook offers its employees several benefits, one of which is stock options.

  • Employees can purchase stock at a discounted rate and sell their shares after a designated waiting period.
  • Stock options allow employees to become shareholders in the company and share in its success.
  • Facebook is committed to providing its employees with a great workplace experience and believes that stock options are an important part of that experience.


What do Facebook’s Data Scientists Do?

Facebook has over 2 billion active users. This presents a unique challenge and opportunity for data scientists. They are responsible for understanding how all people interact with the site and each other. This includes analyzing how posts are shared, what popular content is, and who is most engaged. Data scientists also use this information to improve the user experience and make Facebook more engaging. This includes making sure posts are seen by the right people, that ads are effective, and that the site is easy to use. Data scientists at Facebook come from a variety of backgrounds. They can work in data engineering, product management, research, or marketing.


What are the Most important Responsibilities of a Facebook Data Scientist? 

Data scientists are responsible for analyzing user data to improve the user experience on Facebook.

1. Their main priorities include developing new products and features, understanding how people use Facebook, and improving the accuracy of ads.

2. In addition to developing new products, they also manage and optimize existing products. For instance, they may be responsible for optimizing the performance of searches on Facebook or how ads are displayed.

3. They also need to be aware that Facebook is not just a website; it’s a system.

4. The primary aim of data scientists is to develop useful and appealing products for users.

5. In addition to that, data scientists need to be aware that Facebook is a global company and that their work needs to be relevant in all local markets.

6. The most important thing for data scientists is to deliver results at scale.


What kind of projects do Facebook’s Data Scientists work on?

data scientist facebook salary

Facebook is home to some of the world’s most talented data scientists. These data scientists are responsible for working on various projects that help the company improve its services and products. Some of the projects that data scientists work on at Facebook include


  1. Developing new algorithms and models, analyzing user behaviour, and improving the company’s data infrastructure.
  2. Data scientists are also responsible for working on research projects to improve how Facebook’s machine learning team communicates with each other and with the rest of the company.
  3. Some of the projects that data scientists work on at Facebook include developing new algorithms and models, analyzing user behaviour, and improving the company’s data infrastructure.
  4. Data scientists are responsible for maintaining an open line of communication with their colleagues in both the machine learning and engineering teams. They must translate research results into actionable improvements for the company.
  5. Data scientists at Facebook are also responsible for setting up and maintaining the company’s infrastructure to support machine learning efforts.


What projects do Data Scientists work on at Facebook?

Data scientists work on a wide range of projects at Facebook including, but not limited to:

  • Building new models for the company’s internal software infrastructure
  • Developing new data collection and modelling tools for the company
  • Integrating machine learning into Facebook’s applications
  • Building out the company – Managing the company’s machine learning and data infrastructure


What Analytical Techniques do Data Scientists use at Facebook?

facebook data scientist salary

Data scientists at Facebook use a variety of techniques to solve problems:

  • “Data wrangling” (cleaning and transforming data) with Python and R.
  • Statistical analysis (“data munging”) using Python, R, MATLAB and SAS
  • utilizing Python, R, MATLAB and SAS for machine learning (“model development”) and data visualization (“data visualization”)
  • Python, R, MATLAB, and SAS are used for model assessment (“model checking”).


What specific skills or knowledge do Data Scientists need? 

Data scientists need to be comfortable with numerical and mathematical tools, including programming, statistics, linear algebra and differential equations. They also need to work with large amounts of data and extract actionable insights from it.


What is the Career Trajectory for a Facebook Data Scientist?

Career Trajectory facebook

Data scientists typically start with a role that involves data analysis and interpretability. They then move into the more advanced roles of model developer and product manager, using their previous skills to build an effective product.


How Do Data Scientists help to improve Facebook’s Products and Services?

Data scientists use their analytical skills to build and test different algorithms, from recommendation engines to chatbots. They are then responsible for developing new products, such as the recently released Messenger Bots. In the same way that data scientists can develop products and services, they also work in a technical role to create or update software. You could be involved in developing an algorithm that processes data, such as extracting customer information or turning it into a marketing campaign.


How Do Data Scientists work with Engineers? 

Data Scientists work with Engineers

Data scientists typically work in close collaboration with software engineers. They play a key role in designing and developing new products, such as chatbots and the Messenger Platform.


How Does Data Scientists contribute to product development? 

Data scientists are key partners to product managers. Data scientists often work with product managers to define the problem space and help them understand how machine learning can be used in the context of their business.


Facebook Data Science interview process

facebook data scientist interview

An initial phone screening, a technical screening, and onsite interviews are components of the Facebook data scientist interview process.

On Facebook, you’ll be tested on your problem-solving skills at several phases of the interview. It would help if you conveyed your ability to solve problems and your awareness of potential roadblocks during your presentation.

Scalability is a key concern for interviewers, so be prepared to answer questions about it. When it comes to Facebook, your ability to work with big data and large, organized databases is a key selling point.

Last but not least, interviewers want to see how you think about problems from the perspective of the product, not simply the engineering. So, instead of focusing on technical aspects like “how can we more efficiently store data?”, we should concentrate on putting the suggestions into implementation.

While it’s crucial to bring up the technical components of the work, your focus should always be on the commercial or product parts of the function.


What other Factors Affect Salaries in Data Science?

The amount of money you earn as a data scientist is not only dependent on your level of schooling. There is a wide difference in the average base salary for a master’s degree in data science on Indeed and Monster.com. There are data scientist careers that pay $70,000 and $200,000 and those that fall somewhere in between.

Many more job openings exist than qualified individuals to fill them, but this isn’t the case across the country. Data science salaries are affected by the cost of living in a certain area. If you’re a data scientist, you’re likely to earn the most money in states with high living costs like New York and California. People who work in the data science field in places with lower living expenses make less money.

Earning potential is also influenced by the industry in which you work. According to US Bureau of Labour Statistics data, those who work in the aerospace industry and finance make the greatest money as data scientists.

A person’s background and past experiences are equally essential. If you are new to data science, there is no such thing as a beginner. Many data scientists began their careers as data analysts and then went on to get a master’s degree in data analytics or data science before becoming full-fledged data scientists. According to some estimates, almost all data scientists have a master’s degree, and nearly half of them have a PhD. But a data scientist with 15 years of expertise will almost always earn more than one with just two or three years of experience.

While the average additional compensation package for a data scientist is substantial, it’s not a certainty that you will be making five zeroes on your paycheck after completing your master’s degree in data science. In order to become a high-paying data scientist, you may need a PhD or shift your job path. But don’t forget that your typical starting wage is heavily influenced by your level of expertise. Working hard and waiting to see if your pay rises could be all you need to do.


Will going to one of the Best Data Science Colleges Raise my Pay?

data scientist education

The short answer is maybe. You’ll probably make more after graduating from a top data science master’s degree, but how much more is impossible to estimate. However, graduating from one of the top institutions listed below can help you market yourself after graduation because these students have excellent industry contacts. Graduating from one of the following colleges’ dedicated data science programmes will likely boost your earnings now and in the future. Currently, there is no required degree path for data scientists. Companies are only now realizing the value of data science. To become a data scientist, you can create opportunities. Even as the number of master’s in data science degrees expands, there aren’t enough competent data scientists.

  • New York University’s Center for Data Science
  • Rutgers University-New Brunswick’s School of Arts and Sciences
  • Tufts University’s School of Engineering
  • The University of Minnesota – Twin Cities’s
  • University of Rochester’s Goergen Institute for Data Science
  • University of Washington’s College of Science & Engineering
  • Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science
  • Columbia University’s Data Science Institute


Benefits of Working at Facebook

working at facebook

There are many benefits of working at Facebook. One benefit is that employees have the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds in the industry. Employees also have access to several resources and tools that help them do their jobs better.

Other Perks Includes :

  • Health insurance & life insurance with full benefits
  • Every year, you get 21 paid vacation days, and every five years, you get 30 days to rejuvenate.
  • Unrestrained sick leave
  • Parental leave for four months
  • Allowance for child care costs
  • Services for in vitro fertilization, egg freezing, and more.
  • Reimbursement for gym and health club memberships
  • Meals and snacks are provided free of charge.
  • Opportunities to work from home


Frequently Asked Questions


Is Data Scientist a Stressful job?

This is a challenging task. As a data scientist, you must deal with a massive workload, tight deadlines, and demands from many sources and levels of management.

Can a Data Scientist become a Hacker? 

Data scientists are some of the most in-demand professionals globally and for a good reason. They can take massive data sets and turn them into insights that can improve businesses, governments, and society as a whole. But what happens when a data scientist wants to go beyond simply analyzing data and start manipulating it? Can they become hackers? In many cases, the answer is yes. In my opinion, there is a clear line between data science and hacking. The first step in becoming a hacker is to become familiar with the basic tools used to manipulate and analyze data. Once they have a firm grasp of these tools, data scientists can move on to hacking.

Does Facebook pay more than Google?

Even if you apply for the same position at both businesses, you’re more likely to obtain a better income at Facebook. Facebook pay averaged $20,493 more than Google’s salaries (Software Engineer, Research Scientist, and Program Manager).

How much Money can a Data Scientist make?

Despite a recent inflow of early-career professionals, the median starting wage for a data scientist is still high at $95,000. A mid-level data scientist can expect to make around $130,000 annually. For a data scientist who is also a manager, the median compensation is $195,000.

conclusion : Facebook is a great place to work, with competitive salaries and great benefits. If you are looking for a career in data science, Facebook is a great place to start. Now you have Become familiar with Facebook senior data scientist salary and job skills required. We wish you good luck.


  • Rubay Sheraz

    Rubay Sheraz is a blogger, writer, and tech enthusiast. A recent graduate with a degree in Journalism from Punjab University, Rubay applies her journalism skills to help others understand how technology can be leveraged for social change.

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Rubay Sheraz

Rubay Sheraz is a blogger, writer, and tech enthusiast. A recent graduate with a degree in Journalism from Punjab University, Rubay applies her journalism skills to help others understand how technology can be leveraged for social change.

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