11 Best Root Apps For Android Phone

We’ve all experienced it at least once: panic when you realize your Android is running out of storage. You frantically try to delete photos, apps, and videos in a desperate attempt to free up some room – only for it to fill up again almost as soon as you’re done. And just like that, you’re back where you started. But what if I told you there was another solution? What could help you use your limited resources more effectively without deleting your favorite content? Enter Root Apps For Android Phones!

Root apps are powerful tools designed specifically for rooted phones and tablets that can perform operations normal users wouldn’t have access to. From freeing up RAM to removing bloatware, installing custom ROMs, and recovering deleted files, they offer an array of features guaranteed to give your device a much-needed boost, regardless of age or condition.

This article will look at 11 of the best root apps available on the Google Play Store. So read on if you want to learn how to root apps can help improve your Android experience!


Best Android Root Software


Rooting an Android can be compared to unlocking a vault. You have the key, but you must figure out how to open the door. Dr.Fone-Root is one of the most popular root programs that unlock your device’s full potential with just a few clicks.

It’s packed with powerful features and easy-to-use tools, making it perfect for users new to rooting their devices and experienced root user experts.

With Dr.Fone-Root, you don’t need a computer—it works directly on any rooted or unrooted Android device. This makes it one of the best android root tools available today!

The app takes care of all technical aspects involved in the rooting process, from verifying your device model number to granting superuser access and providing detailed instructions at every step.

Additionally, suppose something goes wrong during the process. In that case, Dr. Fone has built-in safety measures that will help protect your data while restoring your device to its factory settings without affecting any other files.

Ultimately, you can rest assured that your phone is always safe when using Dr. Fone for rooting apps!



Framaroot is an excellent root APK app for Android phones. It’s a powerful tool that can help you gain root access to your Android device with just one click.

Plus, it has several other features, like the Root Checker App, which allows users to check if their device is rooted or not, and the Root Master Application, which helps users manage all of their devices’ root privileges.

Rooting Apps

In addition to its easy-to-use interface and specific functions, Framaroot offers excellent security features. Its advanced encryption technology ensures that any data stored on your phone remains safe from unauthorized access.

Furthermore, its backup feature enables you to create backups of essential files in case something goes wrong during the rooting process. All this makes Framaroot one of the best choices when rooting your Android device quickly and safely.



It’s a coincidence: if you’re looking for the best root apps to help you get your Android phone rooted, one of those options is Kingroot. It’s an app designed to make rooting easy and intuitive, no matter what device or version of Android you have.

Android Root Software

Kingroot offers various rooting methods depending on your device. Once rooted, users gain access to all features through Root Explorer and other valuable tools like Superuser permissions, which are unavailable on unrooted phones.

All these features allow for more personalization than standard Android devices offer without sacrificing performance or security.

Plus, it’s simple enough for beginners who want to avoid diving too deep into the technicalities of modifying their device.

TIP: Before attempting any root-related operations with Kingroot, back up important data so that nothing gets lost during the process!



Rooting your Android smartphone is one of the best ways to unlock its potential. It opens a slew of full root permissions and superuser privileges that can help you customize and optimize your device by tweaking its performance, security, and battery life. Odin is another popular rooting app that allows users to access these benefits without compromising their phone’s safety.

Odin gives users extensive control over their rooted devices with root genius features like

  • permission granting or denying apps specific permissions,
  • uninstalling system apps,
  • overclocking CPU speeds for faster performance,
  • customizing ROMs,
  • improving battery savings, etc.

Moreover, it’s an intuitive tool designed specifically for novice users who don’t have much experience in this field – making it easy to get started even if you’re new to the world of rooting.

Compared to similar apps such as KingRoot or SuperSU, Odin stands out due to its:

  • Simplicity & Intuitiveness: Its simple interface makes it easier to use root capabilities without hassle.
  • Safety & Reliability: This application ensures maximum safety while boosting your device’s performance by providing regular updates that keep up with the latest security protocols from Google Services.
  • Customization Options: You can easily customize various aspects of your device according to your preferences, like setting up multiple user profiles or restricting specific applications from accessing data stored on the phone.

Odin provides a reliable way for users looking to take advantage of all the possibilities rooted phones offer – giving them complete control over how they want their device to look and feel.



Supersu is the ultimate root master, allowing users to leverage a powerful tool to gain superuser access and privileges. It’s like having the key that unlocks a chest full of root permissions. As the user opens this chest, they will find themselves with unprecedented control over their device – from installing unique apps to removing bloatware.

Rooting Apps

But Supersu isn’t just about granting users unlimited power; it also provides safety features for keeping devices secure. With advanced protection mechanisms in place, Superuser permission can be enabled or disabled as needed on individual applications without compromising overall security.

In addition, users have access to detailed logging capabilities to monitor activity and identify any possible malicious behavior on their devices.

With its ability to grant users complete control while maintaining an extra layer of security, Supersu stands out as one of the best tools available for Android phones needing root privilege management.



Rootmaster is a popular modifying application for Android devices, with over 300 million downloads. It makes gaining powerful root access easy and accessible to all users – including those without a tech background. The app has gained traction due to its simple steps, allowing people to get superuser permission on their phones or tablets quickly.

With Rootmaster, users can gain complete control of system files, allowing them to customize everything from icons and fonts to running custom ROMs. This level of personalization provides an unparalleled user experience that’s impossible with any other root master application. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • Unrestricted access to system files
  • Ability to remove bloatware apps
  • Accessibility across tablet devices
  • Improved performance and battery life
  • Automated backups for added security.

In addition to these features, Rootmaster also offers extended support for various versions of Android OS (from 2.3 up). With this complete suite of tools at your fingertips, you’ll be able to take control in ways you never thought possible. 



Ever wondered what the best root app for your Android phone is? Firmware.mobi is a great choice! This powerful root app offers many features to help you make the most of your device. It provides quick access to bootloader mode, recovery mode, USB debugging, and a convenient file manager.

Firmware.mobi also helps users get complete control over their phones by modifying them with just one click.

Furthermore, this versatile app has an intuitive interface that makes navigating its functions a breeze. With this app, you can easily remove bloatware, manage permissions and customize system settings – all in no time!

So if you’re looking for a reliable way to root your Android device, check out Firmware.mobi today!



Adaway is the ultimate modifying experience for Android users. Like a siren’s call, it promises to grant access to hidden functions of your device and make you the master of its destiny.

With just one click, this best root app will take care of all your rooting needs—from managing apps to unlocking powerful features usually off-limits without rooting.

From its hallmark one-click root function to its comprehensive app manager, Adaway has everything any rooted user could hope for! It ensures that only necessary applications are running on your device while helping you find the perfect balance between performance and battery life.

This powerhouse of an app even offers specialized tools like ad blockers and more so that you can enjoy an uninterrupted smartphone experience.

Simply put, Adaway is the essential toolkit for anyone looking to get the most out of their Android phone through deep system customization and optimization!


One-Click Root

Rooted Android phones offer unavailable options and capabilities on unrooted devices. But to get the most out of your phone, you need to root it first – and there’s no easier way than with one-click root apps.

One-click solutions like Baidu Root, Click Root, Franco Kernel, and Magisk Manager make modifying your device straightforward. Just download the app for your specific device model, open it on your phone, click a button or two – and voila! You’re rooted.

They even come with their tutorials, so you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. Plus, these apps can help keep your data secure by allowing you to customize settings like user permissions, block malicious apps from running automatically when booting up your phone, and more.

You’ll be amazed at what you can do once your phone is rooted – but if you want ultimate control over every aspect of your device’s performance, then one-click root solutions are worth considering. They will save time compared to manual rooting methods and provide an easy path toward unlocking all those extra features and functions available on rooted Android phones.


iRoot App

If you want to get the most out of your rooted Android phone, then iRoot is a must-have. Unlike one-click root solutions and universal Androids, which are limited by OEMs by default, iRoot allows users to unlock smartphone bootloaders for maximum control over modifying operations.

This makes it possible to customize virtually any device with ease. Through its intuitive interface and easy-to-follow tutorials, anyone can learn how to use this powerful tool, regardless of experience level.

When used correctly, iRoot can be an invaluable asset when managing a rooted phone – enabling users to install custom ROMs at will or remove bloatware from their devices. It’s no wonder why so many people rely on iRoot as the go-to solution for their rooted needs!

If you want full access to your phone’s software or need an extra layer of security, iRoot gives you all that – plus more.


Baidu Root

If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use root app for your Android device, then Baidu Root should be at the top of your list. It’s one of the most popular rooting apps available today and is trusted by millions of users across the globe. This custom root application allows easy access to system files on your android phone or tablet with its intuitive file explorer.

The free version has all the basic features of a root app. In contrast, the premium version offers additional capabilities such as overclocking and deep cleaning, plus more options like removing bloatware and creating backups. The user interface may feel daunting at first, but once you get familiar with it, rooting becomes an effortless process that can be completed in minutes.

Baidu Root provides a comprehensive set of tools that make it ideal for those who want to customize their Android device without having to learn any technical knowledge. Whether you need advanced control over system settings or want to unroot your phone after rooting – this powerful tool will provide everything you need!


Can I Unroot My Phone After Rooting?

The answer is yes! Many popular android versions have generic rooting guides available online—a great way to learn more about modifying before taking the plunge. Just make sure to back up your ROM with a ROM backup tool first; this will ensure that you won’t lose any vital data if something goes wrong.

Once rooted, plenty of root apps are at your disposal for customizing your Android experience – many highly rated by users like yourself.

However, when it comes time to unroot your device, don’t worry: all it takes is downloading an unrooting application from Google Play Store to restore factory settings and return your device to its pre-rooted state.


What Are The Disadvantages Of Rooting?

Rooting an Android device can be a great way to unlock new features. Still, some significant risks are associated with it. Take, for example, the case of Mr. XYZ, who rooted his phone and lost access to all of his data due to a system crash. This is just one of many issues that could arise from modifying your phone, such as security vulnerabilities or even bricking your entire device if something goes wrong.

When you root any device, you’re giving yourself root privilege–the ability to change the operating system. However, this also means there’s potential for damage through malicious apps or software updates, which may not work correctly with a rooted device.

Even if you use a systemless root method like Magisk, security risks are still involved, as hackers or malware could abuse powerful user privileges.

Additionally, depending on how you modify your phone, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong and cause your phone to become unusable – otherwise known as ‘bricking’ it in technical terms.

So although rooting does open up opportunities for customizing your Android experience beyond what’s possible out-of-the-box, it should only be attempted after understanding the risks involved, so you don’t end up costing yourself time and money trying to fix problems later down the line.


Is It Safe To Root Your Phone?

Rooting your phone can be a great way to gain access to more features and apps, but it may have risks. According to research by Computer World, over 70% of users rooted their Android phones in 2017 – an increase from previous years. So is rooting safe?

When modifying your device, you’re exploiting most devices’ software interfaces. This gives you complete control and root access over all of the files on your device and any applications or programs installed.

With this newfound level of access, users can install custom ROMs and Root Apps like Titanium Backup or Tasker to make changes that aren’t available through normal means.

However, when performing root operations, there’s always some risk involved; if not done correctly, you could lose data or even bricking your device completely.

Additionally, because certain Root Apps require administrative privileges to run correctly, they can conflict with other programs running in the background, which could lead to system instability and crashes.

Therefore, anyone considering modifying their Android must understand the advantages and disadvantages before making any decisions.


How To Root An Android Phone?

Rooting an Android phone is a process that unlocks the system’s full potential and allows users to access deeper settings and adjustments. Complete control over your device can be incredibly liberating. Still, proceeding with caution when modifying your device is essential. This section will discuss how you can root an Android phone safely and securely.

For those looking to take the plunge into fixing their devices, there are several ways of going about it:

  • Use a dedicated Android Root App or Software;
  • Download pre-rooted custom ROMs;
  • Unlock the bootloader on supported phones;
  • Flash SuperSU via TWRP/Custom Recovery.

Android Rooting opens up a new world of possibilities for tech-savvy Android users who want more control and flexibility from their phones. With just a few clicks, they can flash ROMs, remove bloatware apps, set up automated backups, improve battery life, speed up performance, and much more.

Root Apps provide even more options for customization – letting you customize the look and feel of your device in ways that would otherwise not be possible without rooting.

By taking appropriate precautions before rooting your device (e.g., backing up data), understanding the risks involved (such as voiding warranties), and being aware of any updates released by manufacturers after unlocking bootloaders – all these steps will help ensure a successful root experience with no unpleasant surprises along the way!



Root apps are a great way to get the most out of your Android. It can give you access to additional features and settings that aren’t available with non-rooted phones. Still, there are some risks associated with it. Before rooting your device, ensure you understand all the potential risks to decide if it is right for you.

Several root apps are available on Google Play Store or other sources, depending on your preferences. They include Dr.Fone-Root, Framaroot, One-Click Root, iRoot, and Baidu Root, among others. After rooting your phone, you may be able to unroot it later if needed; however, this will depend on the method used and individual app capabilities.

A recent study found that more than 40% of users who rooted their devices experienced better battery life and improved performance across various applications. If correctly done and managed with caution, rooting has advantages over non-rooted devices – from increased security protection to advanced customization options. So if you’re looking for greater control over your device, consider trying one of these root apps!


  • sheraz Durrani

    Sheraz is a tech enthusiast and Digital Nomad passionate about creating engaging content that informs and engages his readers. With a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Google Cloud certification, Sheraz specializes in Microsoft Office, iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac technologies.

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sheraz Durrani

Sheraz is a tech enthusiast and Digital Nomad passionate about creating engaging content that informs and engages his readers. With a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Google Cloud certification, Sheraz specializes in Microsoft Office, iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac technologies.

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